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Agate Brick Tile For Sale

  • ₦8,200
High quality white coloured South African brick tile offers a unique look different from other brick tiles. The brick tile is top grade and it is suitable for mostly interior wall decorations because of the colour as it can easily get dirty. Interior places like TV side, and any part of the home. It comes 50 pieces in a carton and costs ₦8,200 per carton.
Brick Tiles Prices in Nigeria
Agate Brick Tile For Sale
High quality white coloured South African brick tile offers a unique look different from other brick tiles. The brick tile is top grade and it is suitable for mostly interior wall decorations because of the colour as it can easily get dirty. Interior places like TV side, and any part of the home. It comes 50 pieces in a carton and costs ₦8,200 per carton.
  • ₦8,200


High quality white coloured South African brick tile offers a unique look different from other brick tiles. The brick tile is top grade and it is suitable for mostly interior wall decorations because of the colour as it can easily get dirty. Interior places like TV side, and any part of the home. It comes 50 pieces in a carton and costs ₦8,200 per carton.



Updated on April 26, 2023 at 3:33 pm
  • Product ID: TNg-19204
  • Price: ₦8,200
  • Square Meter: 1
  • Color: Agate

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